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Finca Guadelupe Zaju, Mexico

Finca Guadelupe Zaju, Mexico

Regular price £9.00
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Grapefruit. Hazelnut. Honey.

This medium roast single origin from Chiapas is sweet, nutty, and has a delicious grapefruit-like acidity which makes for a light and easy brew.

Finca Guadalupe Zaju occupies 310 hectares right on Chiapas, Mexico’s famed ‘Ruta de Cafe’. This ‘Route of Coffee’ rides along the Guatemalan border, north from the border town of Tapachula, through Mexico’s famed Soconusco region. When Guadalupe Zaju’s current owner, Eduardo ‘Teddy’ Esteve, purchased the farm in 2004, it was a true act of faith and commitment to making the formerly great farm into a bastion of quality again. 

The coffee at Guadalupe Zaju is 100% shade grown amongst magnolia trees, and the farm is Rainforest Alliance, UTZ and Cafe Practices certified. The cherries are selectively hand-picked, sorted, and eco-pulped. After another round of sorting, the coffee is fermented for around 12 hours. The region experiences insufficient sun to dry the entirety of the farm’s production on patios, so all of the export quality coffee is dried using the farm’s 10 guardiolas, or mechanical steel drums, at 40 degrees until it reaches optimal humidity (11-12%). 

Origin: Chiapas, Mexico

Producers: Teddy Esteve & family

Varietals: Marsellesa, Hybrids, Starmaya

Process: Washed 

Altitude: 900 - 1400 metres 

Green coffee sourcing partner: Mercanta 

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